Tom Hiddleston, who plays the villain Loki in Thor and The Avengers, is widely considered one of the hottest actors of today. It turns out that looking both conniving and innocent at the same time, however, is not his only specialty. This weekend's attendees at the Wheatland Music Festival in Michigan received a special treat when Tom Hiddleston crashed the party and performed a cover of Hank William's classic tune "Move It On Over."

While this was a huge treat for all who were there, the rest of us can expect to see more demonstrations of Tom's vocal talent soon. Why, you may ask? For all who don't know yet, Hiddleston is on the books to star in a biopic of Hank Williams called I Saw The Light. Set to be released in 2015, the film will be directed by Marc Abraham (Children of Men, Dawn of the Dead, and In Time), with writing credits going to both Abraham (screenplay) and Colin Escott (biography).
If you can't wait that long to see the beloved "Loki" sing, check out this video of his Wheatland performance below:
Hannah Schroeder