The beloved Disney classic, The Jungle Book, is returning to the big screen next year in a live action/animated remake directed by Jon Favreau (Iron Man, Elf). Although production has yet to begin, The Jungle Book (2015) has already assembled a stellar cast that includes several Academy Award winners.
Earlier this week, it was announced that Bill Murray would lend his voice to the warm, lovable bear, Baloo, who looks after the film's young protagonist, Mowgli. Christopher Walken will be providing the voice of the orangutan King Louie (a fitting role for the ever-dancing Walken), and Ben Kingsley will be the voice behind Bagheera the jaguar. Lupita Nyong'o, coming off of her Oscar-winning performance in 12 Years a Slave, will voice Raksha, the wolf who adopts young Mowgli, while Scarlett Johansson will voice the hypnotic snake Kaa. Lastly, Idris Elba will provide voice-work for the villainous Bengal tiger Shere Khan.
Earlier this week, it was announced that Bill Murray would lend his voice to the warm, lovable bear, Baloo, who looks after the film's young protagonist, Mowgli. Christopher Walken will be providing the voice of the orangutan King Louie (a fitting role for the ever-dancing Walken), and Ben Kingsley will be the voice behind Bagheera the jaguar. Lupita Nyong'o, coming off of her Oscar-winning performance in 12 Years a Slave, will voice Raksha, the wolf who adopts young Mowgli, while Scarlett Johansson will voice the hypnotic snake Kaa. Lastly, Idris Elba will provide voice-work for the villainous Bengal tiger Shere Khan.
Get ready to relive your childhood when The Jungle Book (2015) hits theaters on October 9th of next year!
Ammy Ontiveros