Scott Eastwood, son of the great Clint Eastwood, will play the leading role in the film adaptation of Nicholas Sparks' romance novel The Longest Ride. The recently released novel displays a 91-year-old man cemented in a car wreck who reflects on his life with his late wife while, concurrently, a young couple falls in love a few miles away. Eastwood is set to fill the role of a young cowboy named Luke who is entangled in a love affair with a college student. George Tillman Jr. (Notorious, Soul Food) is set to direct The Longest Ride, which is scheduled to be released in April, 2015. Can't wait for this romance? Catch the next Nicholas Sparks' motion picture, The Best of Me, in theaters October 17, starring James Marsden and Michelle Monaghan.
Ammy Ontiveros
Source: LA Times