I haven't made a blog in a few days so I thought I'd type one up real quick to let you guys know that I'm still alive and well and that I'm keeping busy working on the site. Most of the work has been behind the scenes, so that's why you haven't seen it yet. I'm currently in the process of updating my home page, which has now been done, but it's going to need some tweaking. I added a slideshow, however it's being compressed too narrow by my site editor, so I'm gonna have to find out how to manually fix that. I finally saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier last night, which I will review, but I'm putting that one on the backburner since it's now pretty much out of the theaters everywhere. Instead I'm gonna be focusing my attention on this week's new releases, including Tom Cruise's Edge of Tomorrow, which I'm seeing tonight, as well as The Fault in Our Stars, which I'll see tomorrow. 3 movie nights in a row! That's a new record for me! I also haven't forgotten about the Blended review. That one is still in progress. Thanks for your patience and your support!
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