Greetings, my friends! I am alive and well, although I've been noticeably absent from my site for the last couple months. I guess I needed a break. During this time, I've mainly been focusing my efforts on social media (mainly Twitter) which is truthfully far more manageable than an entire website. I've nearly even quadrupled my number of Twitter followers in that short time! (Although as my dad would probably joke, "What do you have now? 3?" Yeah, yeah, ha-ha, very funny.)
Still, while increasing my social media followers is cool and all, it's no excuse for neglecting my own website. You guys should be my primary focus, so I need to get hard at work with getting things back on track here. I'm going to start by giving you all one of my regular status update blog posts. You know, where I talk about what I've been up to, what I'd like to do for the future of the site and all that good stuff. We've got a lot of catching up to do, but I'll try to make it brief.
It all began with a cat attack. My own cat, actually. She got her tail caught in the space between the door hinge. I tried to help her and she latched onto my hand, which was then clawed and bit and mauled. This all unfortunately happened right in the middle of my 5MMG Awards (and just days before this year's Academy Awards ceremony). While I thought I was fine, my hand swelled up and reddened significantly, indicating an infection. (I'll spare you the pictures.) Anyway, I had a brief, albeit absurdly expensive visit to the hospital, and decided not to do any extensive typing for the following couple days. This of course meant the 5MMG Awards would not be completed before The Oscars, as had been intended.
Still, while increasing my social media followers is cool and all, it's no excuse for neglecting my own website. You guys should be my primary focus, so I need to get hard at work with getting things back on track here. I'm going to start by giving you all one of my regular status update blog posts. You know, where I talk about what I've been up to, what I'd like to do for the future of the site and all that good stuff. We've got a lot of catching up to do, but I'll try to make it brief.
It all began with a cat attack. My own cat, actually. She got her tail caught in the space between the door hinge. I tried to help her and she latched onto my hand, which was then clawed and bit and mauled. This all unfortunately happened right in the middle of my 5MMG Awards (and just days before this year's Academy Awards ceremony). While I thought I was fine, my hand swelled up and reddened significantly, indicating an infection. (I'll spare you the pictures.) Anyway, I had a brief, albeit absurdly expensive visit to the hospital, and decided not to do any extensive typing for the following couple days. This of course meant the 5MMG Awards would not be completed before The Oscars, as had been intended.
What was certainly not intended, however, was for me to take another 2 months to finally go back and finish the awards. I have two explanations for this. 1.) My hand injury gave me a much needed break that I enjoyed a little too much. 2.) I kind of fell in love with Twitter and opted to use that instead. All reasoning aside, I'm really proud of my awards, so if you haven't done so, I hope you'll take a look. I put a tremendous amount of work into the 25 award categories I created, and literally spent months slaving away over it. It was no doubt overly ambitious, but I think it all turned out really well. Here's a link in case you missed them!
A lot has happened in the movie world in the meantime, and if you've been following me on Facebook or Twitter, then you're probably still up to date. For those of you that aren't followers of social media, I'll try to spread some of that love back to the site for your viewing pleasure and convenience. I did just add a Twitter feed to the site's home page so you can scroll through my most recent tweets even if you don't use Twitter. I post some great stuff, so I promise it's worth at least a look. As for the rest of the home page, I acknowledge that it needs some work. I got a few ideas to promote some more content on the page, but I am planning to stick with a more minimalist approach since it's easier to upkeep.
Rather than ramble on right here about everything you may have missed, I'm going to break it down over a few upcoming blog posts. I know it's late, but I'm gonna buckle down and give you my take on this year's Oscars anyway. I'm also going to briefly discuss the 5MMG Awards, as well as my experience with watching the entire Fast and Furious series leading up to the release of Furious 7. I also have my review for Avengers: Age of Ultron in the works, so stay tuned, and please pardon my 4-month hiatus!
(P.S. My cat is totally fine and was giving me kisses shortly after the attack. I was just the unfortunate victim of a freak accident.)
Rather than ramble on right here about everything you may have missed, I'm going to break it down over a few upcoming blog posts. I know it's late, but I'm gonna buckle down and give you my take on this year's Oscars anyway. I'm also going to briefly discuss the 5MMG Awards, as well as my experience with watching the entire Fast and Furious series leading up to the release of Furious 7. I also have my review for Avengers: Age of Ultron in the works, so stay tuned, and please pardon my 4-month hiatus!
(P.S. My cat is totally fine and was giving me kisses shortly after the attack. I was just the unfortunate victim of a freak accident.)